University of Alabama Videos

The University of Alabama established Premier Awards to recognize UA students, faculty, and staff who exemplify the highest standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. The Sullivan Award is the oldest of the Premier Awards first awarded to UA students in 1928. The most recently endowed Premier Award, the Judy Bonner Presidential Medallion, was first awarded in 2016. SHOW ME NOW

The Blackburn Institute is developing a network of leaders, the Blackburn Fellows, who have a clear understanding of the challenges that face the state of Alabama. The Institute provides the fellows opportunities to explore issues and identify strategic actions that will improve the quality of life for our state and nation. The Blackburn Institute is named in honor of Dr. John L. Blackburn. SHOW ME NOW

During the 2012-13 academic year, The University of Alabama celebrated 175 years of engineering education. In 1837, The University of Alabama Board of Trustees told the faculty that “the present state of our country calls for instruction in (engineering) from our university” making UA one of the first five institutions in the country to teach engineering.SHOW ME NOW